You have to examine with your dental practitioner in respect to what your issues are and what results you are anticipating. At that point your dental specialist will inspect your teeth completely and assess them to verify if your teeth are prepared for dental lacquers or not.
The dental specialist might then let you know the advantages and disadvantages of Dental polishes and will examine with you the distinctive sorts of lacquers and their expenses and will recommend you the sort which would suit your case the best Dental veneers. He will then take X-beams and impressions of your teeth and mouth to get custom-fit dental polishes arranged for you.
On the following visit, your dental specialist will shave-off about a large portion of a-millimeter of lacquer from the tooth surface, so that the same thickness of polish will be included and will look characteristic and even. In this process, a neighborhood sedative may be utilized to numb the obliged range. At that point the dental practitioner will send a model of your tooth to a dental lab which will develop the obliged lacquers.
It may take up to a week until the polishes arrive. Till then, your dental practitioner will apply interim plastic finishes to ensure the scratched off finish from harm.